NFG Leadership Transition

The Northside Funders Group (NFG) announces that Executive Director Sarah Clyne will depart NFG on January 29 after two years of service. NFG members would like to thank Sarah for her leadership in assisting NFG in meeting its mission to increase collective impact in supporting the North Minneapolis community.  

Last year was a time of uncertainty with the advent of a global pandemic and the civil unrest following the killing of George Floyd. Under Sarah’s guidance and leadership, NFG was well-positioned to rise and respond to these severe challenges. With collective leadership representing North Minneapolis members, nonprofits, public and private funders, and individual donors, NFG raised and distributed approximately $3.9 million in grants to support small businesses in North Minneapolis during these turbulent times. We heard directly from numerous small business owners who shared their gratitude and the importance of this funding when many did not receive other financial relief. Numerous news articles and other media outlets highlighted this collection of work. The messaging spoke to the value of partnerships, collaboration, and the critical role of philanthropy. 

“I’m proud to have led NFG through a difficult time for our world and uplift the vibrancy and strengths of the North Minneapolis community,” said Sarah. “NFG’s work highlights the need to continue to forge a path of strong cross-sector collaboration to ensure that we continue to eliminate barriers and create opportunities for Black, Indigenous, and people of color communities. It has been an incredible role to live out my values and strengthen the communities I care about most. I look forward to seeing NFG continue to embody this work in North Minneapolis.” 

Moving forward, NFG recognizes the positive changes taking place in the rebuilding of economies in North Minneapolis. It will operate under a new structure and pursue an agenda that brings resources and investment opportunities to North Minneapolis. NFG is committed to promoting North Minneapolis’s many assets to strengthen the entire region and ensure that the North Minneapolis community benefits from regional economic prosperity and opportunity. 

We thank Sarah for her dedication to support NFG and wish her our best as she enters a new phase of her career.  

To contact Sarah Clyne directly, please email her at

To contact NFG, please send an email to


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