About Us

Our Vision

We envision a new approach to place-based, collaborative philanthropy that elevates natural assets and community-driven solutions to achieve a healthy, vibrant community for all who live, work, and own businesses in North Minneapolis.

Our Mission

To align public and private investments to resource solutions that center racial equity and community voice. Specifically, we work with philanthropic organizations, public agencies and organizations and/or projects that are BIPOC-led and primarily serve BIPOC communities, with a particular focus on Black/African Americans.

Our Approach

Our work is about broadening the definition and context of meaningful, place-based philanthropy. We stretch beyond our traditional ways of working through our four Community Impact Levers. We embrace individual funder’s approaches and consider collaborative strategies wherever possible for greater impact, aligning our goals with those of the community partners who work for comprehensive change in North Minneapolis.

  • Our shared strategy is inspired and shaped by ideas and lessons from the community, from one another, and from experts in the field.

  • We leverage the strength of our membership to benefit North Minneapolis by attracting additional investments and attention for the promising work happening here.

  •  We channel our influence and the wisdom of this community to drive policies, practices, and investments that build upon North Minneapolis assets and strengthen the vitality of this community.

  • Each year our members invest millions in North Minneapolis. By changing the way philanthropy works in North Minneapolis, we are aligning those resources to get the biggest and best return for this community.

Our History

  • 2008: The Northside Funders Group is established to bring together funders with investments in North Minneapolis to collectively learn and share resources to increase everyone’s impact.

  • 2013: The collaborative hires its first Executive Director and adopts a community-informed action framework: Learn, leverage, influence and invest. This framework continues to guide NFG’s work to this day. 

  • April 2020: NFG, in partnership with Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation, distributes over $500K in emergency COVID-19 relief funds to small businesses. 

  • May-June 2020: NFG and West Broadway Coalition co-launch the “Restore North Campaign” raising over $3M for “rebuilding efforts” across the Northside impacted by the civil unrest in the wake of George Floyd’s murder. 

  • 2021: NFG launches its Community Wealth Building program, investing in people and places that make the Northside a vibrant community supported by a thriving local economy.

  • 2022: NFG conducts a strategic refresh process that results in a larger membership, formalized evaluation, deepened partnerships with Northside BIPOC developers and business owners and increased re-granting capacity. 

  • 2022: NFG designs and launches the Northside Youth Enrichment Fund (NYEF) to support Northside projects that expand learning by connecting young people to exceptional enrichment opportunities in and outside the classroom.

  • 2022: NFG provides 11 grants and six event sponsorships totaling $303,709 to Northside community efforts.

  • 2023: NFG provides 20 grants totaling $337,089.

  • 2024: NFG provides $301,500 in grants to 18 projects and initiatives.

Annual Reports