The Northside
For generations, North Minneapolis has encompassed a racially, ethnically, and economically diverse group of neighborhoods. The Northside is a cherished home for many, filled with businesses, churches, schools and arts organizations that serve and reflect its residents.
Despite centuries of deliberate disinvestment by institutions both public and private, the Northside has leaned on its cultural, social, and economic assets to grow local business. However, the landscape for BIPOC business owners and the prospects for young people is still fragile. It will take significant investments — and bold action rooted in anti-racism — to actively undo these systemic harms to ensure North Minneapolis continues to be a thriving, healthy community.
Learn more about the data and stories of the Northside.
Our Geography
We define the Northside as inclusive of these Minneapolis neighborhoods: Near North, Jordan, Harrison, Hawthorn, Willard-Hay, Folwell, Cleveland, Camden, Victory, McKinley, and Bryn Mawr
Our Stories
North Minneapolis is a community brimming with opportunity, but historically weighed down by cycles of investment and disinvestment and racial segregation. Despite generational challenges, those who call Northside home have fought to build a tight-knit community pulling together to grow a thriving economy. But this is not a narrative that is centered in mainstream media and many communities within the Twin Cities. In recent years, NFG has partnered with organizations like Destination Northside to shed light on the rich assets of the Northside of Minneapolis and current efforts by local residents, developers and business owners to establish the Northside as a vibrant Minneapolis destination.
Watch episodes of Storyville and the two-part documentary “It’s Our Time: How the Genius of the Northside Ignites its Future.”
A vibrant North Minneapolis is not only critical to the people who live, work, and do business there — but to the long-term prosperity of the entire region. Access more data on the Northside in “North Minneapolis Forward,” a report published in December 2024 by the African American Leadership Forum and Gensler.