How The Genius of the Northside Ignites Its Future: It’s Our Time
In case you missed it, on September 27th 2023 at The Capri Theater, Destination Northside Coalition (DNC) and Northside Funders Group (NFG) co-hosted the premiere screening of a docu-series entitled: How The Genius of the Northside Ignites Its Future- It’s Our Time.
The idea to produce a docu-series emerged out of a joint desire by both collaborative groups to shed light on the rich assets of the Northside of Minneapolis and current efforts by local residents, developers and business owners to establish the Northside as a vibrant Minneapolis destination.
DNC and NFG know North Minneapolis is a community brimming with opportunity, but historically weighed down by cycles of investment and disinvestment and racial segregation. Despite generational challenges, those who call Northside home have fought to build a tight-knit community pulling together to grow a thriving economy. Sadly, this is not a narrative that is centered in mainstream media and many communities within the Twin Cities still view the Northside as a drive-through—or worse, avoid it all together.
For those of us who spend time, invest energy and enjoy trusting relationships on the Northside the predominant negative narrative is disappointing and frankly harmful to the good work happening everyday. In fact, in recent years, a confluence of projects are contributing to what we like to think of as an economic renaissance that will change the neighborhood’s landscape. Projects like the expansion of the Capri Theater, Juxtaposition Arts’ beautiful new campus and the redevelopment of 927 West Broadway are the product of MANY years of dreaming, planning and ultimately delivering on the revitalization of the West Broadway corridor. Similar efforts are cropping up along other Northside corridors. As these exciting and largely Northside-led projects are underway, we temper are excitement with real concerns about the pressures of gentrification and displacement which threaten to push out the very people and communities who have built up the Northside.
The docu-series felt like an opportunity to explore these nuances. Over 150 people attended the screening, which was followed by an engaging panel featuring Black developers, lenders and the film maker. The panelists elaborated on key themes from the docu-series, bringing in their personal experiences within the field of real estate development. Check out photos on our Facebook page!
We plan to have additional screenings of the docu-series, but you can also watch them at your convenience on our YouTube page!
About Destination Northside Coalition: The Destination Northside Coalition is a group of organizations committed to the long-term economic prosperity of North Minneapolis. Our founding members (NEON, CRF, WBC, TRI-Construction, NDC, BWWA, LISC Twin Cities, Nura) all have demonstrated a deep commitment to supporting the needs of North Minneapolis businesses and entrepreneurs. In 2020, after the murder of George Floyd, these trusted community pillars came together to amplify their impact and strengthen the long-term viability and success of North Minneapolis.
About Northside Funders Group: Northside Funders Group aligns public & private investments to resource solutions that center racial equity & community voice. We deliver place-based, collaborative philanthropy that elevates local assets & community-driven solutions that benefit all who live, work, &/or own businesses on the Northside.